How to handle pictures.

Little and BIG Pictures

Here is an example of a good way to put your pictures on a web page. I found it somewhere, and forgot where. The general idea is to have a small, quick thumb-nail that can be clicked on and then the large, slow, perfect picture can be downloaded and viewed.
These are some neat pictures I found around the network somewhere.

This is a 7642 byte GIF file.
Click here for a cool 64313 JPG 'Mercedes Benz' view.

This is a 7989 byte GIF file.
Click here for a cool 101473 JPG 'Them's dragons' view.

Animated Gif Stuff

A good way to add sparkle to your web page is by using animated gif's. It's rather easy but takes some planing. First you will need some tools. Like Gif Construction Set for Windows. Sorry I was unable to find a version for MAC yet. Next you need to make several .gif pictures, like pages in a flip book. I have made a rather poor example of an animation for demo reasons only. Here are the .gif's I used to make the animated GIF.

Next using GIF Construction Set, specify the size of the final image. Next add the background image or a LOOP. Then add a CONTROL. CONTROLs tell the GIF how long to wait before the next image. Next add an IMAGE. Repeat this till you are at the end. Now save the file and try VIEWing it. Now upload it in binary mode and add a <IMG SRC="animation.gif"> line to your page.
That's about all there is to it. The Gif Construction Set page has alot of info and the program comes with alot of docs also. Here is the GIF Animation Resource Page . Good luck and have fun.