Pet Theft has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. It is a crime that is sponsored by our tax dollars. Stolen pets feed laboratories and medical facilities for biomedical experimentation. It has become a national scandal.
Pet Theft For Profit ...
Every year an estimated 2 million of our companion animals are stolen from cars, backyards, and by answering "Free to Good Home" ads in the newspaper. Our pets are stolen by the "B" dealers and "Bunchers" who are licensed by the U.S.D.A. ( United States Department of Agriculture ) funded by our tax dollars.
"B" dealers are people who are licensed by the U.S.D.A. to obtain "Random Source" animals and are permitted to sell them for profit. This "B" class dealer license has propagated the illegal obtainment of animals to fill the demand for laboratories, dissection companies, pit bull fighting, sacrificial purposes, and many other reasons.
Pet peddlers prey on people who can no longer keep thier pets. Desparate owners listen to promises of good and loving homes. The promises are are not kept. Instead your pet's fate is a laboratory or medical facility where they die painful and lonely deaths.
The U.S.D.A. turns a blind eye and is reluctant to enforce the regulations governing "B" dealers. Even with repeated violations, dealers are rarely cited.
L.C.A. is the first and only organization in the country to apprehend, bring to trial, convict, and send to prison, three licensed U.S.D.A. "B" dealers. This was the precedent-setting guilty verdict of Ruggiero, Spero, and Jacobsen. Soon to be followed was the permanent and first complete suspension of a U.S.D.A. license of Ervin Stebane in Wisconsin. Stebane was not only a corrupt "B" dealer, but shot and butchered dogs for the "dog meat eating" community for profit. A piece from a confidential video camera caught one action and was featured on a "Hard Copy" segment.
The list of corrupt "B" dealers and thier violations goes on like a serial killer wanted list.
How to help ? Demand the abolition of the "B" class dealer by writing to : Secretary Mike Espy, Department of Agriculture, 14th St. and Independance Ave. S.W., Washington D.C. 20250
Call : 1-900-78-PET-THEFT
What can I do ?